菲律宾空军迷彩服/Philippine Air Force BDU


    4月初,弄到了两套国内生产的菲律宾空军迷彩服,现在抽空拍照、整理、上传,和所有爱好迷彩服的同好共享。我想国内好像没有人会仿制菲律宾的这种BDU吧,应该是菲律宾空军的订单尾货。因为一直收集美系军品,开始并没有想买这套衣服的,因为喜欢那2个臂章,所以就拿下了。其实我对菲律宾服装毫无研究,说错的地方,大家拍砖吧。 迷彩服的款式基本就是菲律宾现役陆军迷彩服的款式,和美军的现在的BDU很像,口袋则像越战款的BDU。迷彩图案源至英国的DPM (Disruptive Pattern Material)迷彩。颜色则有两种,一种的绿色很鲜艳(下文称为1型),另一种的绿色则暗淡(下文称为2型),估计是分别用于雨季和旱季的。 从目前找到的一些图片来看,菲律宾军队主要还是在用2型。1型佩用的臂章是暗色,2型佩用的臂章是彩色。下面开始看图说话。


Please note: Photo not for Commercial use. And these items not for sale.

  1型正面 1型背面 2型正面 2型正面  
  1型右臂臂章 1型左臂臂章 2型右臂臂章 2型左臂臂章  
  2型左臂臂章 胸条和上口袋特写 1型上半部  


  袖口和下口袋 1/2型颜色对比    
  1型正面 1型背面 2型正面 2型正面  
  拉练 裤子背面特写 侧包和裤脚    
  上衣标签 裤子标签 尺码标签 洗涤标签  
  2002年TALON VISION演习中的菲律宾空军将领在克拉克空军基地接见美军将领/Maj. Gen. Cicero L. Castellano, Commander, Air Logistics and Support Command, Philippine Air Force, and U.S. Maj. Gen. John F. Goodman, Commanding General, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, Okinawa, Japan, welcome Col. Gordon O'Neill, Commanding Officer, Marine Air Group 36, Okinawa, Japan, to the former Clark Air Base, Philippines, for Exercise TALON VISION 2002.
Photo by LCpl. Shane A. Austin, USMC(photo by forum.apan-info.net)
2002年TALON VISION演习中的菲律宾空军将领在克拉克空军基地接见美军将领/Col. Edgar T. Elona, Commanding Officer, 600th Air Base Wing, Philippine Air Force, escorts Maj. Gen. Goodman, USMC, as he observes Philippine Air Force troops at the former Clark Air Base.
Photo by LCpl. Shane A. Austin, USMC(photo by forum.apan-info.net)
2004.12.16.美军向菲律宾提供援助物质/personnel unload supplies from a U.S. Air Force HH-60 Pavehawk helicopter during typhoon relief operations in the town of Real in the Quezon Province of the Philippines on Dec. 16, 2004. About 600 U.S. military personnel are in the Philippines providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to residents of Quezon Province where widespread flooding and landslides have occurred. U.S. Air Force and Marine helicopters are delivering supplies to the stricken areas. The Pavehawk is assigned to 33rd Rescue Squadron, Kadena Air Base, Japan. DoD photo by Master Sgt. Val Gempis, U.S. Air Force. (photo by DOD) Col. Jeff LeVault with his Philippine Air Force counterpart, Col. Bernabe Garcia, on the Mactan flightline.(photo by www2.hickam.af.mil)  

相关链接 / link

www.henrikc.dk网站中介绍的几种菲律宾迷彩服 / Other Philippines Camouflage in www.henrikc.dk

  陆军现役/Current Army 陆军虎斑/Army Tiger Stripe
  陆军侦察突击队/Army Scout Ranger 警察特别行动队/Police Special Action Force
  海军陆战队现役/Current Marines 海军特战大队/Navy Special Warfare Group
  海军陆战队黄色系迷彩服/Yellow Marines camouflage 总统卫队/Presidential Security Group