


    MICH (Moduler Integrated Communications Helmet),即模块式整体个人无线通讯头盔,由CGFGAKKET出品,作为SPEAR系列装备之一主要供于特种部队。MICH 比 PASGT (地面单兵装甲系统)盔体浅,取消帽檐,使用多种凯夫拉纤维粘接。MICH 使用一个新的七衬垫的悬挂系统。衬垫由两种泡沫材料组成,这种衬垫能变形以适应不同的头型,提供更好的佩戴舒适性。悬挂系统通过一系列尼龙搭扣附着在盔顶内部,使用四点颚带固定。

  MICH自2001年开始配发美国特种司令部特种部队、海军陆战队侦察部队、82空降师的部分部队。MICH头盔最早应用在美军的陆地勇士系统中。到2003年为止,共有大约20万顶头盔装备了 美军部队。该系列产品中的TC2000款从去年下半年开始已经被确定为美军陆海空军及海军陆战队普通部队的制式装备,并且开始逐步大规模换装。在未来取代PASGT成为美军的标准头盔。在伊拉克战场,包括第1骑兵师、第1机步师、第10山地师、第4步兵师、第101空中突击师、第82空降师在内的大批美国陆军师的常规步兵部队。

All next photos appeared on www.army.mil.下面的图片来至美陆军官方网站

A paratrooper evaluates 100-round magazine during recent field testing at the 25-meter range on Kandahar Army Airfield, Afghanistan. The Soldier is a member of the 82nd Airborne Division's 3rd Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, which was conducting an evaluation of the magazine. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Leopold Medina, Jr. 2003年,阿富汗坎大哈陆军机场。82空降师319炮兵团3营的一名伞兵正在进行100发弹夹测试射击。

Pfc. Joseph Bartolillo stands guard while U.S. and Romanian troops provide medical care to the villagers in the Dah Masazo Kalay Province, Afghanistan. Bartolillo is a military policeman assigned to the 10th Mountain Division, operating from Kandahar Army Airfield. U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Hugo A. Baray-Vasquez.2003年阿富汗,一名第10山地师的宪兵正在警戒。

Soldiers check a member of the local Kuchi Tribe before he is allowed to visit the Combined Joint Civil Military Task Force (CJCMOTF) medical team near the city of Gardez, Afghanistan. The CJCMOTF operates an ambulatory clinic that provides vaccinations and acute and preventive medical care to Afghan villagers. The Soldiers are assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Larry E. Johns. 2003年,阿富汗加德兹市。第10山地师87步兵团1营A连的士兵正在检查一名当地平民。

Staff Sgt. William Rothrock, left, and Sgt. Jon Sommer discuss an upcoming mission in Daychopan Province, Afghanistan. Rothrock is a squad leader and Sommer is a team leader in the 10th Mountain Division's Company A, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment. The Soldiers are searching for Taliban fighters and weapons caches. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Kyle Davis.2003年在阿富汗Daychopan省搜索塔利班的第10山地师22步兵团2营A连的士兵。

Staff Sgt. Hejoon Chung, right, uses lung power to motivate fellow Soldiers during a championship tug-of-war bout in Iraq. Chung is assigned to the 25th Infantry Division’s Company A, Task Force 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, which was competing against the battalion’s Company B. Friendly competition helps create esprit de corps among Soldiers, and it also relieves the stress of being deployed in a combat environment. The 25th Infantry Division has Soldiers deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.2004年6月14日,伊拉克。第25步兵师27步兵团1营A连的士兵正在和B连的士兵进行拔河比赛。

Capt. Scott Carpenter shoots his 9 mm pistol during a marksmanship competition in Iraq. Carpenter is commander of the 25th Infantry Division's Company A, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment. The division currently has Soldiers deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Maintaining strong marksmanship skills is critical during an extended combat deployment, such as Operation Iraqi Freedom. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.2004年6月14日,伊拉克。第25步兵师27步兵团1营A连的斯科特·卡彭特上尉正在射击。

Soldiers provide security while a member of the Iraqi National Guard cuts through a chain link fence during a search for illegal weapons in Mosul, Iraq. The Soldiers are assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division's Company C, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment (Stryker Brigade Combat Team). This photo appeared on www.army.mil.2004年7月3日,伊拉克摩苏尔市。第2步兵师3步兵团2营C连的士兵和伊拉克新政府军一起收缴武器。
