Eurocopter AS 532 U2 Cougar/欧直AS 532 U2美洲狮模型改造
Review&Building report/开盒预览和制作 part2
It is noted first that a description to all the bits and pieces regarding the conversion is nearly impossible. Many many parts were made based on pictures, drawings, estimates and a lot of scratch building.首先要指出,对所有的改造过程进行详细的描述几乎是不可能的。许多零件的制作是基于照片、图纸、估计和东拼西凑来的。
About 50% of the parts could be used in some way of the Puma kits, the rest was scratch.This building report can only show some items. But enjoy!大约50%的零件是美洲豹套材里有的,其余都是和东拼西凑来的。本制作报告只展示了部分物品,但也和大家分享。
Fuselage Conversion机体改造
First, the fuselage had to be lengthened for the Cougar conversion. Measuring the overall fuselage is quite complex. The main dimension to keep in mind is the overall length from nose to tail tip. (see also the drawing on page [1] ). See also page [3] as the tailfin chord is also a bit larger.
Besides the lengthening, the Dutch Cougar has different windows. Cutting out the various windows and giving them the correct size should now be done and is obviously important. The dimensions of the various windows were determined from the drawing and checking also with the 1/72 Italeri kit. Filing, sanding and cutting was now done at the various fuselage parts. The various windows have raised edges. These were made with metal wire.

(The windows were not fitted at this stage; the windows are made from transparant acetate sheet, the various windows cut to size. This is quite a tedious job. They also got a coat of Johnson Future to give some more glass effect on the windows ).
(原套材的窗户透明零件不再适合现在的窗户;用透明的薄塑料片替换,切到窗户的大小。这是个单调的过程。还使用了Johnson Future的透明漆,来给窗户增加更好的玻璃效果)。

The original Puma fuselage part is seen in green (upper), at the lower in white with 2 extra openings made for additional windows, with stretch sections for the Cougar in black.

"Left overs" after cutting...切割后剩余的东西……

Also, the floor seen right is the extended floor using two floors from 2 kits.

The extened fuselage was now first constructed. As there are two large side doors, adding all the internal details within the cabin is not required at this stage.
The extended floor was added, and also a roof added in the upper cabin from card. Also some details at the fuselage cabin sides were added made from plastic strip.

The Cougar has a different and longer rear cone at the rear fuselage as compared to the (Super) Puma. It is the fairing towards the tailrotor boom that needs another extension to make the composite fairing typical for the later Cougar AS 532 variants. Some Puma parts were used with white plasticcard and sprue for strength (see page 1 for dimensions).
美洲狮机体后部的椎体过渡部分和(超)美洲豹不同,更长。这是机身到尾梁的整流罩结构,需要改造成合适后期型美洲狮AS 532的结构。使用部分美洲豹模型本身的零件和白色的塑料胶板搭建(搭建请参考本页第二图),并用了流道来保证强度(长度参考第1页里的线图)。
Milliput was required to get a smooth straight cone shape. A lot of work was needed here. The cone shape is rather straight tapered.

The larger window situated in the cone made things difficult and required some extra plastic strips glued on and sanded in shape.

Most of the AS 532 Cougars also have an added fairing with a hatch at the lower side of the cone. So does the Dutch Cougar. This was made from straight card.
多数的AS 532美洲狮在圆锥体下面还安装了一个整流安定面。既然做的是荷兰美洲狮模型,那就用胶板做一个。

Here, the glued on tailboom can be seen. Internally plastic strip and rod were used to get the necessary strength. Also, an additional small box can be seen added to the side.

Nose cone鼻锥

The longer radar nose was moulded from Milliput. The clear cockpit windows were cut off and are to be added later on after the basic model has been correctly shaped.
The lower cockpit section can be seen here (after main fuselage assembly) with added fairings and various stubs. Quite some work is needed here to get a smooth result.

Thanks the following help on translation. Alphabetical.本页感谢以下人士在翻译上提供的帮助,排名不分先后