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Cougar model in 1/32 scale Matchbox /
Revell Puma Helicopter Conversion [ a real Cougar of the KLu荷兰空军的美洲狮实物] |
Cougar model in 1/32 scale Matchbox / Revell Puma Helicopter
Conversion 1/32 美洲狮模型在火柴盒/利华美洲豹直升机模型套材的基础上改造而成 The Eurocopter AS 532 U2 Cougar Mk
II is operated by the Dutch Air Force
[KLu] on behalf on the Dutch Air Mobile Army Brigade. It seemed very nice
to have a large 1/32 model of this helicopter in the collection and as
Matchbox issued a 1/32 Puma kit (later improved and issued by Revell), a
conversion project was started. The Eurocopter
Cougar AS 532 helicopter is derived from the Super Puma and in fact the
Puma helicopter developed by Aerospatiale and Westland emerging the mid
nineteen-sixties. The original Puma
helicopter designated SA 330 was a tactical
transport helicopter and the first production Puma flew in 1968. It was
and still is used by many air forces and by civil operators. It has a crew
of 2 pilots and a navigator and a cabin for maximum of 16-20 troops or
passengers. The Puma has a maximum take off weight of 6400 kg with
two Turbomeca Turmo engines. The rotor has a diameter of 15 meters and its
overall length with rotors turning is 18.15 m. Fuselage length is 14.06 m
and its maximum speed about 280 km/hour at sealevel.
The Super Puma twin turbine medium
lift helicopter was extensively modified from the original Puma.
The Super Puma AS
332 was a longer and upgraded version of the Puma, the type being
continually improved and enlarged. It had a larger cabin and more
powerfull engines.
The latest
military variant of the Super Puma is called the Cougar. It has even more
modifications as compared to the Super Puma. First flight of the Cougar
was in Februari 1987. The new European Eurocopter organisation is now the
manufacturer. The variant
AS 532 U2 Cougar Mk II is an unarmed tactical military transport helicopter and it
is also used by the Dutch Air Force on behalf on the Air Mobile Army Brigade. It is even longer
than the Super Puma as the fairing between the aft cabin and tailboom is a
bit longer and made of composites. The latest Cougars got an improved
rotor system with larger diameter blades and a new rotorhead that
incorporates some lessons learned from the NH90 helicopter currently being
developed (a never ending project....) . It also has a small weather radar
in the longer nose.
The Cougar cabin can accommodate various lay-outs such as
folding seats for up to 28 troops, 12 stretchers etc. The latest Cougar
helicopters also have EFIS/IFDS cockpit displays and an automatic flight
control system. Eurocopter AS 532 U2 Cougar technical
Note for 1/72
builders: the 1/72 Italeri/Revell kit is fine for a Super Puma and can be
used as a basis for a AS 532 Cougar with the exception of the rear
composite fairing;
for a Cougar as compared
to a Super Puma the rear fuselage cone fairing even longer and has a
"straight" different shape, being 47 cm longer (= 0.65 cm in 1/72
scale. So the Italeri kit's fuselage fairing cone should be converted for
a Cougar. ) |
The kit in
1/32 scale
Later, Revell obtained the Matchbox moulds and issued in
1993 the Puma as kit
Revell also later issued another
update on the Puma kit. Kit #04412 has again some added some sprues with
extra parts enabling the building of a German BGS ( Bundes Grenz Schutz) "border patrol" Puma, with
larger side sponsons/fairings and a radar nose protruding
To extend the
fuselage and rotor blade diameter however, two Puma kits are required to
save some work. I obtained an old Matchbox Puma and a newer Revell #04499
kit to be used in the conversion Cougar project.
It was decided to make a Dutch
Cougar as flown during flying qualification tests from Dutch Navy Assault
Transport ship HrMs Rotterdam in 2005. Also, a lot of folding blade test
were done on deck to check handling and behaviour. This is an interesting
setting, and for me as a modeller: it would save a lot of space later on
in the model display cabinet! |