Col Asad Adeli (F-14 pilot):
"A few days after the war started, it was probably around 9:00 to 9:30 at night, we should conduct Enat-Qutatti or patrol area."
Gen Mohammad Masbough(F-14 RIO):
"We took off at 9:30 and flew towards Khark Island. When we were entering the region, I saw 3 planes on the radar screen, about 65 miles away. They were approaching Khark. "
F-14A 3-6021号机是62TFS中队在2007年解散前装备的最后一批雄猫之一,这张照片在2009年拍摄时仍旧保留有TFB6基地的标志,但此时已经转属于83TFS中队。
Col Asad Adeli:
"He called the radar and told them that we are spotting some aircraft that coming to our Khark Island."
Gen Mohammad Masbough:
"They said they didn't see anything and told me to enter the zone until they'd see them. First I thought it was one plane. When we got near, I realized they were 3 aircraft flying very close to each other. "
Col Asad Adeli:
"So we start to continue accelerating toward their… actually getting close to their flight path. So we have to fire a missile to keep as minimum as distance of flight path. Finally, the radar…we don't have anything in there. If you have, just shoot them down."
Gen Mohammad Masbough:
"As soon as we found out they were 3, our plane's priority system chose the plane ahead as number one. Naturally, the middle one was 2 and the one in the rear was 3. We were flying at about 25000 to 26000ft. I remember the number 3 next to the aircraft. They were flying at above 3000ft towards the area. "
Col Asad Adeli:
"So we continue to the range that… it was the optimum range for the missile to shoot. They were…we were at above 20000ft and they were flying really low. Even thought it was night, they were flying probably above 1000ft or 2000ft, between 1000ft to 2000ft."
Gen Mohammad Masbough:
"I told Mr Adeli if we were going to shoot, we'd better hit the one in the middle. As they were flying close to each other, the blast might damage the other two as well. As soon as the missile detached, the countdown started on the screen. When it reached zero, I had nothing on the screen.
"I didn't think we'd been able to hit the three of them, but we had."
Col Asad Adeli:
"By the time… you know… our missile hit the target, it was just reaching the Khark Island. And we just saw the splash, and then we went back to our normal pattern. And the next day we found out … you know…they found more airplane parts at the crash site. So there is a conformation for us that we could shoot… you know… those planes down."
Gen Mohammad Masbough:
"The wreckage of the three aircraft was found later on Khark Island, and it was confirmed the three had been shot by one missile."
When the anti Iranian opposed war ended, the F-14s and their pilots had shown their value. The presence of the F-14s and their radar lock prevented thousands of Iraqi aerial missions. There are no precise deficits of the number of engagements resulting in the crash of Iraqi aircraft. Some western sources stated that 250 Iraqi aircraft were shot down by F-14s, but the Air Force has not confirmed that. Seemingly, the west has exaggerated about the ability of the aircraft and Phoenix missile for propaganda purposes.missile for propaganda purposes.