
Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat (Sequel)







Hasan Harandi:

"As Mr Mehreganfar had launched a missile, he had to get separated from the formation to follow the missile's route. The missiles came to the F-4s and the left side I was on."

Abolfazl Mehreganfar:

"While we were talking and we'd got closer, my rear cockpit said something passed by our plane."

Gen Ebrahim Ansarin(F-14 RIO):

"I saw the blue missile passing our plane nose, Mehreganfar asked if I saw it. I said yes, I saw the missile's smoke."









Abolfazl Mehreganfar:

"I said it was the smoke from our missile. He said no. It was black."

Ebrahim Ansarin:

"Then Mr Harandi said he was hit."

Hasan Harandi:

"One of the missiles hit my left wing."

Abolfazl Mehreganfar:

"Number 2 said his wing was hit and he was losing fuel from left. We were talking when we got disconnected. When the bombs were released, Number 2 flew above the F-4s to take position beside me to have mutual support for engagement. The big belly of the F-14 was chosen by the missile, and it hit its wing.

挂载R-27R半主动雷达中距弹的F-14A 3-6041,这种俄制导弹和F-14A之间的磨合并不理想。



"Our radio contact disconnected. I started turn to the left to return to the F-4 formation. The F-4s have dropped their bombs and they're returning to Iran to the east. I had a glimpse of our radar with a missile sign blinking. I was talking to my rear cockpit weather it was a short range search of about 10 miles. Then I saw it. Mr Ansarin was in the rear cockpit. He saved our lives by firing a missile at it.

"The missile was launched and I was tracing it. There is a rhombus in front of me and I can see the target through it. While I was looking at the missile's route, I saw the aircraft coming to us. And the missile was heading for it directly. The aircraft showed no reaction.


"Like threading a bead of a rosary, the missile exploded the aircraft. Numbers bits and pieces scattered around in the big fire and I turned to the left rapidly. The radar told me to continue 90° turn towards our land because the other targets had arrived and I was caught in the middle. I decide to invert the plane and dive to the ground to a very low altitude at very high speed toward north of Basra and south of Abadan. I realized there the real frontline could be seen from there. Smoke, dust, trenches, vehicles, tanks, cannon, people moving in that area. I continued towards the north of the Persian Gulf, above Al-Bakr oil rig and below Bandar Imam. Then I came up and contacted Hasan, but he didn't answer. I did it several times, but no answer. Every body would be upset and worried in that situation. What happened to Number 2? I was very worried. We went to Isfahan Base and landed."