
Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat (Sequel)

第二部分(Part 2)

视频:战斗中的伊朗F-14(Part 2)


The F-14 was the most advanced fighter jet of its time, it still is one of the most the expensive ones. This series, however, is not about the F-14s. It's the story of the few men who have to operate their F-14s without proper equipment. Challenging the ants, vector their aircraft into erock's worst nightmare.

雄猫VS狐蝠/Tomcat vs Foxbat




Tom Cooper:

"Okay, then let me start with MiG-25s."

The Soviets introduced the MiG-25 otherwise known as Foxbat 45 years ago. It could fly 3 times faster than sound, and as high as 120000ft. To this day, MiG-25 remains one of the worlds' deadliest fighter jets. It flew so high that its crew has to wear what lookalike a space suit. Before 1979, the Soviet MiG-25s repeatedly invaded Iranian air spaces during reconnaissance missions, at times breaking the sound barrier.





F-14飞行员默罕默德. 法拉哈瓦尔将军深知伊拉克空军米格-25的性能。

Gen Mohammad Farahavar(F-14 Pilot):

"Our neighbors would usually use their Foxbats(MiG-25s) for recon missions to monitor any movement on our side.

Tom Copper:

"The advantage of MiG-25 is that it is very powerful, aircraft capable of flying very high up to 22000 to 23000 meters, and very fast up to Mach 2.3, in emergency even faster."



Gen Mohammad Farahavar:

"It flew three times faster than the speed of sound. It's no wonder they were so difficult to get a lock on. To ensure a missile does not explode near your own plane, there's a time delay before a missile is armed. Now imagine: we're going head to head toward a supersonic plane ourselves flying almost as fast as sound our distance decreasing insanely fast. There were times that the missile would reach the enemy plane before being armed. There was never enough time to hit them."




The tables will turned in 1974, when Iran got a hand on the F-14 fighter jets and long rang Phoenix missiles.

Gen Mohammad Farahavar:

"F-14s were the only plane that stood a chance. From a distance at least we had enough time to arm and launch our missiles."


For the time been, the MiG-25s have to leave Iranian air spaces. But the fight was far from over. In 1980, Saddam Hussein was preparing for war against Iran, and his army was in dyeing-need of detailed area pictures of Iran. For their reconnaissance operations, they could not use any ordinary aircraft. It needed to fly high enough, not to be detected by Iran's anti-air missile system. If it was detected, it needed to be fast enough to flee Iran's fighter jets. It also needed to be capable of taking highly detailed aerial pictures. That would leave MiG-25s as Iraq's only choice.