
Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat(2023 revision)

猎杀支点(F-14 VS 米格-29)

[15、16节译自Facebook上Parsa Irandost@Tom Cooper在2017年9月18日发布的阿萨德.阿德里上校(就是前文里一枚不死鸟导弹击落4架米格-23的大神)和穆斯塔法.罗斯塔伊将军回忆的英文版]

That day(27 July 1988), when I wake up early in the morning, the first thing that flashed in my head was that with Amir Kazerouni second flight I am today.

When we got to the first battalion went on to board the flight. Phoenix saw today instead of two Hawk aircraft is below. I feel strange. Not that I do not make the Hawk. Nor. The tests and then had a good test in combat operations. But ... well ... Phoenix was something else. ! Name and unprecedented beauty more beautiful! My experience with it was.

这天(1988年7月27日),当我早早地起床时,首先闪过我脑海的就是今天和阿米尔.卡泽罗尼(Amir Kazerouni)一起进行第二次飞行。


这场雄猫对支点的主角F-14A 3-6079号机,此机不仅是最后一架交付伊朗空军的雄猫,也是目前已知两伊战争最后一架获得空战战果的雄猫,同样是唯一一架击落三代机(米格-29)的雄猫。这名老兵的总战绩6架,目前仍旧服役于TFB8基地,照片摄于2015年4月17日伊朗神圣国防日阅兵式上。

F-14A 3-6079

On aircraft, missiles more accurately my control. Everything seemed fine. Head band in "The Last control" very good technical people who learn they are good, our hair pulled. Aircraft and missiles were de novo and precise control. Our previous fighter, General Pilot "eternal Tarzan", finished his tour and returned after a long flight and were on the way down. Permit control tower and flew into runway 26 left.


Turn right after I get up. Unlike the usual! Our day was the West. And controlling radar "Subashy" Hamadan.

Shortly after refueling Subashy asked us the way and as quickly as possible to get to the area.

The first to enter the area, Amir Kazerouni with bright and has its own power, the aim of which was about fifty miles. Suddenly the sound of a radar controller, adrenaline doubled. ! "Two Fulcrum, your 10 hours, above thirty thousand feet"! I wish for a moment, the two Phoenix pure was under Tomcat. !

I did not have a chance. I started to change. Amir Kazerouni give information to the target. I once again take control switches. Radar and Amir and I are going to get involved. ! Subashi immediately and excitedly said: "These operations are very important, direct are going to bomb the base Hamedan. Whatever is in front of the enemy shoot. Every shape is.! Chance to respond to it. Less than twenty-five miles and so on. Amir and radar, said I, but the radar instantly replied, "stop operations. ! "And I said, then come back. The radar again said no, his side to continue.! Horrendous conditions were. A bait for the found. In the twenty-mile radar, I said I'll be back. And radar Subashi immediately said no, the target Dispose. with the speed purposed of sound, and rising, went towards the goal. and we came towards them with too much speed.






Amir radar lock Kazerouni was great. And I "trigger" and pressed. I felt a jolt immediately release the rocket. Amir Kazerouni gave me the information. In my heart I still hope: if a Phoenix from the Tomcat out there. ! Adrenaline had exploded. !

Then, Hawk, soft and beautiful from the front and a little to the right, overtakes me. The first maze realized that it is not correct himself.

Suddenly I saw two very small point ahead. Having separated the catch. Make sure you or I, or missiles or both are seen and they break up. I immediately reacted missiles. And shifted to the left. I shouted: Amir careful that one out! If there are any objections and was ready to be a dogfight.

The explosion was very sudden. A few miles from us. Everything was falling apart. ! Fulcrum unlucky moment later I saw the ball of fire and the rotation speed was too low.

I was stunned unconscious pieces of fire that Amir shouted "Assad.! Aircraft, right". That turned my head, thick white Kant rail filled all my vision. (Kant rail, white smoke behind the aircraft or missiles in the sky can be seen. In the case of missiles, smoke from fuel. And the plane only at altitudes too high to be seen. And the exhaust gas from the engine is. In effect extreme cold environment frozen powder comes in.).

Very strange. And at the height of the season? . Nor could the plane. I realized immediately that the missile which hit number two for us! The distance was too low. I knew in a moment, here is where you have all the experience of the last twenty years with different planes, there's an "upload" me.! I need a lot of new good luck! ! . [Suppose a piece of red-hot iron as you get closer. Every person in this state reacts without thinking. And pull his face. Under these conditions, pilots only survive as a result of practice and skill to react quickly. !]


F-14A 3-6079 & 3-6060





